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We believe in the potential of the Metropole Ruhr

Ruhr region – future real estate district

In December 2018, the last piece of coal was extracted in the Ruhr region. Four years later, in spring 2023, the so called “Pott” is an exciting metropolis of the future in the midst of an economic upswing. Covering an area of 4,440 square kilometers, it is a unique mixture of more than five million people and 53 cities. With future technology, numerous universities, a lot of green and a real spirit of optimism.


The entire metropolitan region is full of future opportunities.
There is much to suggest that the Ruhr region will develop successfully in the coming years.

We invest in the Ruhr region
We buy apartment houses & apartment complexes
We invest in the Ruhr region because we see its development potential. And: We love the Ruhr region: varied, honest, down-to-earth and lively.

As a real estate company with many years of experience in the industry, we distinguish ourselves through in-depth knowledge and long-term business relationships. Nationwide, we are considered one of the most straightforward business partners in the real estate industry.


Our focus is on residential real estate. We buy apartment buildings and residential complexes. We acquire properties for our own portfolio. After acquisition, we perform necessary renovations and then provide affordable housing to the market.

  • You work as a real estate agent?
  • You would like to sell your own property?
  • You know someone who wants to sell his rental house and want to benefit from a tipster commission?
Offer us
Rental houses & apartment complexes

Feel free to contact our team in Essen at any time. We are looking forward to hearing from you!


Phone: +49 (0)201-21968961


Tobias Förster

Head of Transaction

Niklas Schrepper

Transaction Manager

Dinah Schlichterle

Junior Transaction Manager
Office in Essen
Team Ruhr region
2023 01 16 MAHREN RU144 131 Kopie
Ruhr Area – Metropolis of the Future
Structural change is already in full swing

Location of the universities

The Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region is currently home to 22 universities – the densest university network in Germany. Here, there are the most students per inhabitant and the most universities per area, a magnet for the influx of young people. The universities teach particularly in relevant fields of the future. This is reflected, for example, in the high number of graduates in mathematics, information technology, natural sciences and technology – the so-called MINT field.


Location of technologies, research and start-ups

A total of 20 technology, research and start-up centers are located in the Ruhr region and support the young generation of entrepreneurs to help the Ruhr region arrive even faster in the future. These are real dynamics for a future-oriented structural change.

Employees in the Ruhr region in economic sectors

ruhr area_structural change

What our business partners say

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