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Thoughtful / 10-06-2021

Alarm in Frankfurt and Munich: Soon the speculation bubble will burst! That was the core message issued by the major Swiss bank UBS following an analysis of the real estate markets of 25 major cities worldwide. And not only that: in terms of the risk of a possible real estate bubble, Munich and Frankfurt came out on top, ahead of Toronto, Hong Kong, Paris, Amsterdam and Zurich. Among the 25 metropolises considered, the UBS specialists saw the clearest signs of overheating here. The bank calculates in its “Global Real Estate Bubble Index” for both cities values of 2.35 and 2.26...

Thoughtful / 02-07-2020

Few things have shaped the economy and society in the past decades as much as the advance of globalization. The COVID 19 crisis is increasingly calling this model into question. Will the pandemic lead to a reversal of globalization? A pro and con....